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My Vagina is talking to me and I don’t know what it’s saying?

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You asked, and we answered. In this episode, "My Vagina is Talking to Me and I Don’t Know What It’s Saying? "The conversation is funny, hilarious, and features Nikki Steele, a comedian who is incredibly relatable. We say the word “vagina” a lot, not just for laughs but because we believe women’s health issues are important to talk about. Growing up, I was told to be quiet about our female parts, but in this episode, there is no staying quiet. We share women’s problems, and my recent UTI and vagina drama. We even came up with names for our female parts. "Genie" and "Rocky" share what it’s like to be a woman and the challenges we often face.

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Brittany Krystantos (00:07.022)
Welcome to the Dear Brittany Show. This is a podcast where you'll hear everything I always want to say and everything we're all thinking. I know it's you too. So get ready for a raw slice of reality. I'm your host, Brittany Christantos, and I am an author, speaker, mental health advocate, and host of a mental health series. I am very proud to say I have made an impact on the mental health of others for a decade now. Ask me, talk to me, tell me what we need to figure out for you.

Brittany Krystantos (00:39.662)
Today's episode is sponsored by Mayveon Beauty, your go -to for easy beauty tools you can use at home. Transform your skincare routine with spa -like quality, right from the comfort of your own home. I've been doing a lot of self -care at home and I'm loving my new routine with Mayveon Beauty's incredible at -home beauty tools. Elevate your beauty routine with Mayveon Beauty. Visit MayveonBeauty .com and use code DearBritney15 for 15 % off your order. Mayveon Beauty, bringing the spa experience home to you.

Welcome back everyone to another episode of Dear Brittany. I'm your host Brittany Cresantos and today we're diving into a topic that is often whispered about but really discussed openly. Our vaginas. Yep, I just said vagina and I'm slightly embarrassed. And joining me is my fabulous sidekick, Nikki Steele. Hey, hi, Britt. I'm here. I just want to tell you though, everybody is not seeing how Brittany is.

Her face is so red because she said vagina. I know vagina, vagina. It's like a penis game. It's very interesting. I used to play that game as a teenager. And let's just say, Nikki, I failed epically because I was horrible. Really? And shy. I was like penis, penis. And I couldn't do it. I think all of us as little kids, we laugh, you know, vagina. Vagina, I said it. Right? Anyways, Nikki, I would love for you to tell everyone.

How do we meet? It's an interesting story. I've known your uncle for 17 years. I met your uncle Matthew through a very good friend of mine and I just fell in love with him. He's just an amazing person and I don't even, I can't even believe it took this long for me to meet you and your amazing family. But when I walked in and Brittany was there with her beautiful smile and she just always has a light around her. She's just an inspiration at all times and I met her and we talked.

And she came right up to me and she said, hi, I'm Brittany. And I said, hi, I'm Nikki. Nice to meet you. And she said, my vagina is itchy. I said, your vagina is itchy. Okay. Listen, you're young. You're young. There's times it's allowed to be itchy because young vaginas, they're like flowers. They're fresh. They're clean. You know, my vagina is old. I'm 50. I've had two kids. It's like a, like a, like a leather pictures mitt. You know, it's been beaten to death.

Brittany Krystantos (03:00.558)
Okay, it's heavy duty, it's tanned, you know what I mean? It's stiff, it's hard, you know? It's heavy. That is a good one. That's laughter. It's heavy, it's stiff. Okay, Nikki, I'm excited for you to be here because you're clearly hilarious and we're going to be talking about vaginas. But more than anything, my vagina is talking to me and I don't know what it's saying. That's actually hilarious. How is your vagina talking?

to you, Britt, tell me. Listen, Nikki, it just talks to you, parts of you, and we have no idea what's happening. And let's just kick off the burning question for you. I have a question for you, Nikki. Go for it. Are you ready for it? I'm ready. Are you ready? I'm ready. Have you ever felt like your vagina was trying to tell you something? Absolutely. You know, whenever I get sick with a cold, I feel like everything in my body is off. Everything's just not on track. You know, when you really are in tune with your body, your vagina

will tell you something's wrong. You know, think about it though. You know, it's wet mucus membrane, your vagina. That's what it is. It's not heavy epidermis like your skin. Look at her giving us some strong words here about our vagina. Right? I mean, it's a really delicate situation down there. So if anything is thrown off, you feel it immediately. Yeah, you do. You do feel it. And speaking of which, let's just say my vagina lately has been talking to me and I've had to deal with a lot.

a lot of issues down there. You've had a lot of challenges lately with your vagina. I don't, I don't actually, I don't really know many people that have had as many challenges at the same time. I know. Should I tell you, should I tell everyone what happened? Yeah, yeah, no, we have to, our listeners need to know this. Go ahead. We need to relive this. Okay. Where do I start? Do I start with the singing IUD doctor? Yes. Do I start with the...

Hospital experience choice. Where do I start? I think singing IUD doctor. That was my favorite. Go ahead. I'll tell you this. So anyways, we're going to fast forward a little bit and take you all back. But let's just say I have an idea that needs to come out desperately and it's been in for four years and everything that's happening is infection after infection after infection. I finally go to a doctor who's like, Hey, I can take it out of the right equipment. Okay. Let's just start with the fact that I went to a doctor who was in my vagina.

Brittany Krystantos (05:20.366)
I was really nervous, but she was so close to taking it out and she goes, my God, the string is missing. So I go, no, don't tell me that. she couldn't find it. She couldn't find it. So now she sent me to an IUD doctor. Who is the IUD singing doctor? I go to the doctor. This girl is a whack job. She literally is and no offense to her style, but she just was not okay. She was lecturing me about how IUD doesn't give you infections and

You needed it in for another year and just being crazy and she has a song online about the IUD. Yeah. When you know a doctor singing about IUD, it's time to abort that location. Absolutely. Abandon the appointment. That's crazy. She really has a singing, like a singing, a song about an IUD. she does. And she was not taking this IUD out, but you know what? It's better that way. I did not want her anywhere near my vagina. You know what? Honestly,

The last place you want somebody who's a little bit loopy is near your vagina. Right? It's like the most intimate part of your body. I mean, that's where happiness comes from. I mean, we don't want anything to, you know, rip it off or, or, or ruin it in any way. Tidytubes. Right? No, we leave all the aspects of the vagina there. Well, just to go back briefly, but what happened was I had a UTI in one month and it wasn't going away. I had allergic reaction to the medication. So it was four weeks of.

and then on top of that I had a different infection which is kind of gross that led to another infection. So in the whole month I had three infections and it's pretty nasty down there. So what exactly happened? So now we're in a situation where you're getting infection after infection and you're not feeling well, your whole body is thrown off, your mental health too has got to be suffering at that point because you're so sick you don't feel well.

You're not able to handle anything else. Like exactly what have they done for you? Where are you at? They've done nothing. I mean, there's one amazing doctor who has been there for me and helped me and put me medication and stuff, but it was so bad that I went to the emergency to the hospital and the doctor said, sorry, there's nothing wrong with you. Even though I had a hunter and two fever and I couldn't even pee, it was stinging me. So this IUD is acting like a foreign object though.

Brittany Krystantos (07:39.566)
It's kind of turn inside me. There you go for an object. I like that Elon Musk comment. That's funny. Elon Musk up there right now. It's not cut. You need to know what's going to happen. Is that device? Is it going to when the one day the world ends and you never know, you're still have that IUD in there. It gives off a hormone though that I would be right. That's like the one of those ones that gives off hormones. Maybe it's not working for you anymore. So it's causing all these infections.

You know, I'm wondering if there's also things involved with, you know, mental health and keeping your infection going on your own within your body. I mean, who knows? Yeah, it's crazy. But moving on from that is I think this is why this topic is so important because so many females out there, so many women out there feel so ashamed of their body and sometimes they're not even aware of what is going on with how they're feeling. They're not

educated on their vaginas, you know, their mom or sisters, their friends maybe don't talk about vaginas. So when they have, let's say UTI or their itchiness or stinky vaginas, they don't know what to do. They don't even know that's an infection. And actually, in fact, until I told you my vagina was itchy, I didn't even know to go to the doctors because I didn't know this was a thing. I didn't know about UTI. I'd never had it before. So I think that's why this conversation as funny and loud as it is.

We need to talk about it. We need to share awareness and bring awareness of what is going on. No, I think that's great because I do. I don't remember a lot of discussion growing up or even in my adult life about, you know, anything leading up to any kind of infection talk. We never discussed that. It was always, you know, pregnancy or periods. We just never talked about when things go wrong. You know, yeah, when things go wrong, this is this is great. I'm glad we're talking about it.

And so, Nikki, I have a funny question for you too now. If your vagina could text you something, what do you think it would say? It would tell me that I don't have enough sex. It would say, all right, get on the sex bandwagon. That's what it would say. Definitely. That's what it would text me. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. What would it text me? It would text me that to stay away from bath bombs because

Brittany Krystantos (09:58.798)
They are yeast infections waiting to happen. That's what they are. They're just a lot of scent and a lot of fake crap that you just don't need floating around your vagina. That's a good thing to do. You know, I always used to have bath bombs. I love it. The bathtub, warm salt with little bath bombs, little flowery things. Yeah, but the flowery things and the sparkles and the sprinkles and the dangles and the tingles and all that shit.

that's floating around the rainbow colors and everything coming off the bath bomb is all chemicals. And vaginas don't like chemicals. Vaginas like everything that is naturopathic. Vaginas like a good time sometimes. Of course, that's where happiness comes from. Like I said. You know, my vagina would tell me, stop annoying me. This is serious. Really? Yeah. It talks to you. It talks to you. This is serious. You need to go to the hospital. Spread your legs. Take a look. No, no, no, no. Don't spread your legs.

all the time, only in such situations. To show the right people. Right people. The right people. You're hilarious. You're so funny. I'm really enjoying this. I got to tell you, I really didn't know what I was getting into here today with Dear Britt, because this is a fun topic. Yes, it is a fun topic. But speaking of vaginas and all that, I think that stress and relationships can really mess with our vagina health. And you know,

I've had a lot of lack of sleep, overworking and relationship stress in general with family and stuff that it can take a really big toll on ourselves. And so for me, I feel like maybe this happened to me recently because I was facing stress. I was facing, you know, a point in my life where I need to make a big change, whether it's in work or whatever it is. And my vagina just said, you cannot keep working anymore. You need to rest, girl. So I'm on the resting stages right now.

But you know, you told me once that your mother used to say something to you. What was that? Hmm. Hmm. There's quite a few things my mother used to say. She used to say, you can't put your brain in someone else's head. Is that what she used to say? I don't know. There's something else, right? Let me think. Let me think. And about vaginas. Nikki here has the best, best stories about her mother. My mother, her name is Leslie. So she says, hi, how are you?

Brittany Krystantos (12:24.078)
I live in Florida and here it's so humid that you have to wear cotton underwear because cotton underwear allows your vagina to breathe. And if you breathe, you don't have infection. If you don't breathe, then you have bacteria. So that's what we do. We only buy fruit of the loom, a hundred percent cotton.

I love your mother. Can we please have her on the show? she'll go on. No problem. Let's talk to this beautiful lady. I told her today. I said, I'm guess what, mom? I'm going to see Brittany. I'm going to have a great day. You know, just hanging out with Brittany is fun because she just she's truly honestly an inspiration on many levels. And I said to my mother, I said, I can't wait. And she goes, listen, call me when you're in the middle of the show and I'll talk to everybody and I'll tell them what they need to know about vaginas, because I have

a very old wives kind of tail way of handling vaginal infections. You want to know what it is? Yeah, of course we want to know what it is. It's really good actually. So you get into a tub that's, you know, warm water just above the knees. So like you're sitting down, right? Just above the knees. But you put in baking soda as it's filling up. Baking soda is a neutralizer. So if you're itchy or you're burning,

or you have, you know, some of those sprinkles and those rainbows and those fake colors from your bath bombs that have caused problems, you get in a baking soda bath and it will neutralize your vagina. That's what it will do. Neutralize my vagina. You know what, Leslie, mama Leslie, thank you for that tip because our viewers, our listeners today, they're going to go in their bath and have

Baking soda baking soda baking powder baking soda. Can I be baking powder? No baking soda. We're not making cookies down there. No cookies. No cookies today. No yeast cookies. No, thanks. we don't want those. Yeah, that's disgusting. Actually, I made cookies last night with my nephew Logan and I didn't use any yeast. That's for sure. That's nasty. That's because you're trying to do a gluten free. Yeah, you know, low carb.

Brittany Krystantos (14:38.094)
Basically sawdust cookie that you're going to try and go, this is good. And it's not, we're using monk fruit. yeah. You're doing the best you can at this point. We got to do the best we can. But you know, this is really funny because, you know, it's important that we raise awareness for our vaginas. But if we move on to that for a second, I think women's health, women awareness is really important. And so I think a lot of females here need to hear this, they need to hear the truth. And so Nikki.

You know, you say all the time that you're this 50 year old woman and you got a stiff vagina and I'm flowery. I don't think mine's flowery. Yeah, yours is soft and beautiful and nice and silky and gorgeous. No, not anymore. Not right now. It's got to be. OK, you are just a stunning woman. Absolutely delicate and gorgeous. And you have this way about you that is just amazing. Me. OK, like I'm getting old. I've had two kids, like I said, you know, it's like a

You know, it's been beaten down to death. It's been sewn up. It's been broken open again. Like it's, it's, it's a mess down there. God. It's a hot mess. It is. That's what I say lately to everyone. I'm like, I'm a hot mess and I've been to the doctor's office every other day for the last four weeks. I'm like, this doctor is really nice, but I'm sick and tired of coming to the doctor's office.

every week and they even know my number when I call. I'm like, they're not gonna know who I am. What do they say to you when you walk in the door? Are they like, are you're back again? Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah. That's what they say to me. They go, are you okay? I go, do I look okay? Do you think I want to spend my time in the doctor's office and be exposed to germs? there's germs everywhere. There's people sneezing and coughing and having stomach aches. I don't know what wants stomach flu. Okay. I am so scared of throwing up and

getting sick, I'm like a really big germaphobe. I do not wanna be here. Well, after COVID, I mean, it's almost like it's been ingrained into my brain that I don't touch door handles and I walk into medical offices basically with a hazmat suit on at this point. I mean, I need like a saran wrap around my face.

Brittany Krystantos (16:47.662)
Yeah, like I'm done. You're one of those. I'm a little bit crazy, but no, no, I'm not driving in the car with a mask on with no one else around. Are you walking outside with a mask on? No, in the fresh air, yeah, I've seen these people with the gloves on and the masks on to the bus stop by themselves. No, that's not me. That's not you? No, but at the doctor's office. So I want to talk about something about vulnerability and how for me especially, I think it's very a vulnerable thing, like going to the doctor's and like literally getting naked and like slipping down and like having a vagina.

having a doctor in your vagina. And then I was thinking, this is just me thinking here, being like a weirdo, everyone, is can a hot gynecologist man be your doctor? If you went to the doctor's office and your doctor's standing gorgeous and he's your gynecologist and he's like, hey, Nikki, I'm gonna put a tube up you today. How are you gonna act? Because what happens if you have an orgasm from him because you said you don't?

An orgasm? Like a whole orgasm? Like what happens? Like that's embarrassing. I mean if he touched my clit I would jump off the table but I like a whole orgasm is gonna take at least 15 minutes. Okay it takes at least 15 minutes but he's searching for something in there and it's embarrassing again seriously for a second. Vulnerability like hot guy or not, doctor or not. Just being vulnerable like I find it's really scary like even a woman like just like

looking internally for like your infection, doing the swabs. Like I'm like, it's a very like vulnerable thing to do that. But then on top of that, a hot doctor, Nikki's doctor. You actually bring up a very good point because laying down, spreading your legs, it's a big invasion. It really is. Think about it. You're, you're opening up your most private part and it's exposed. And then you have a gorgeous doctor that's like basically hovering over you with, you know,

binocular spectacles and they can see everything. That's heavy duty. That's some heavy stuff. That's heavy duty. What would you do if you by accident had Nargazem? You'd be like, sorry, doctor. You're just so hot. I would just be like, sorry. But I have to tell you, I'm, you know, one of those special patients that goes to the OBGYN when I have a swab. I go drunk. no, you don't. I do. I get shit faced and then I go because I just I can't take it.

Brittany Krystantos (19:07.726)
The whole thing makes me sick. So if there's a good looking doctor, it might make the experience a little more disco. You know what I mean? God, poor doctor. Dr. Hot E Pants. I can just see you like wasted, like just wasted there. no, don't do that. Don't touch me. It hurts. Last time I opened up my little cooler bag that I brought with me and poured an actual shot of vodka and a little twist of lime on the side and I asked him if he wanted.

You did not. I did. And your doctor's hot. That's why he was so hot. He was a good look. He's good looking. He's really good looking. I prefer it. Actually, I don't want a woman doctor. I want a man. You want to I want to complain. You know, I want. I don't like it. I don't like it. But with a woman, they're like, you're fine. Come on. I do this all the time. I get them to you. Fine. Just shove it up. They don't give you lubricant or anything. Right. Shove it. It's like an alien invasion. It is an alien invasion. That's the vulnerability. And like, I think that's why so many

young females out there may be scared to go get their Pap test. Like I had my Pap test for the first time two years ago in where we live in Ontario in Canada. You get it every when you're 25. So before that you're not experienced to getting Pap tests or having a doctor invasion your vagina. You know, like the first time my doctor did that, it was pretty scary. I was like, what are you doing? What are you doing? Why are you touching my vagina? Like it's a really weird moment and it's very vulnerable. And like I'm also the worst patient.

for anything because like needles, blood tests, like I made a scene at the hospital because I didn't want them to give me a blood test. And then I was there for nine hours and they left a needle in my arm with nothing in it. So I was like the scary, like angry patient. You're one of those. I'm one of those because I'm like, take the needle out of me. Yeah. I don't blame you though. You know, it's like, I don't blame you. And I think that the staff is so busy that they just leave us. We're standing there. We have this needle in and they're like,

Listen, we'll be back in about five minutes. We're just going to help Mr. Gerson over there and we're going to get his needle out and then we'll come back for you. and you know what happened? Actually, I totally forgot this part. Hospital, okay? Nine hours, needle in me. Guess what happens? What happened? A code went off. It wasn't code blue. It got for bed. It was code red. There was a fire in the hospital somewhere and they were like, patients, everyone, stay where you are. Fire alert, red alert. I could just see you running around in your gown.

Brittany Krystantos (21:32.27)
With your tushy hanging out and a needle, a needle just waving in the wind. That's what happened. I said, if there's going to be a fire in this building, a doctor or a nurse better take this needle out because I ain't going outside with a needle in my arm or my ass hanging out. I'm not doing that. Take the needle out. They're like, stay where you are. And I saw like the doors are locked. They won't even let you go outside now. You're barricaded. You're barricaded. There's a fire. Get me out of this building. Anyways, they said 20 minutes later, everything was fine.

Fire gone, fire gone. Like that's really reassuring. Did they come back in? Did they help you after? Did they take the needle out? No, they didn't take the needle out until nine hours until the doctor told me nothing's wrong with you. Go home with a 102 fever. And then I was like, can you take the needle out? And he goes, I'm not going to do it. A nurse is going to do it. I'm like, can someone do it? 20 minutes later, I'm waiting for a nurse to take the needle out. And let's just say there's no medication in this needle. So, yeah. Brutal. That's brutal. I was an angry woman. I would be.

Absolutely. And I was hangry. Yeah, I'm sure by that point you're starving. I was a drama queen actually. Were you? That's what I am. So you know, you told me the other day that your vagina, you're like a sassy pants. You're a sassy girl. I am. Down there. I'm a drama queen, right? I was like, this vagina is not working right now. This girl can't pee. I'm not okay. Give me anything right now. Give me chocolate. The function needs to be reinstated. It does. And I think that, you know,

I didn't have coffee that day because you know, hospital coffee is just not it. It's like earth. It's like, like dirt.

I think the key in this, I wanna give people who are listening to this, really strong messages here about women's health and mental health. And I think that the key in this topic of talking about it is that there's no shame in talking about your vagina. There's no shame in being honest with it. And so if there's anyone right now, Nikki, listening to us, any young girls out there who are about to get their pap test for the first time and they're nervous.

Brittany Krystantos (23:35.822)
They have a UTI for the first time. What can you say to these young girls to understand that they're not alone? Just like I really do believe it's just an opinion as a woman that every single thing that we deal with with our bodies needs to have attention paid to it. You know, our eyes, our mouth, our heart, our everything, our skin, our hair, our vaginas, everything. It's a functioning situation down there as an organ.

It's one of many different organs that are all attached, just like your heart's attached to your mouth, your mouth's attached to your kidneys. You know, you're eating, drinking, breathing, salivating, everything you're doing all day long. And if you're, you know, you're urinating, you're having sex, you're using tampons, those situations, you're putting stuff up, stuff's coming out and you're putting stuff up and stuff's coming out and you're causing all kinds of different, you know,

like a highway. It's like a highway of information going back and forth with bacteria and possible viruses. And we need to take care of it because if it breaks down, the rest of us breaks down just like everything else. It's so true. You make me laugh so much because everyone should know Nikki Steele is the funniest lady ever. Like every time I'm with her, she has these stories and like she doesn't remember them the next day. I don't, I don't.

They come off the cuff because they come when I'm ready to say it, you know? Like, for example, she took my tickets to... So I was sick for four weeks and my family and I had tickets to go to see Teresa Caputo, the medium. I was very excited, but you know, I was too sick to go. I couldn't even walk. So Nikki went and Nikki came back like hunch over, like, like nauseous, like about to like puke in the car because I guess like it was a funny story, but like...

I just looked at her and laughed because she's a hot mess and just hearing the stories that happened. Well, this is the story. Let me give our listeners the story because it's an interesting story. It's interesting. Tell us. So we're walking. I come to your house. You're sick. So your mom and your sister and your grandfather. We're going to go. So it's me, your grandfather, your mom and your sister. OK. So I don't know the scenario. I'm just going along with everything. And your mom says, Nikki, we're just going to take Sam's car.

Brittany Krystantos (25:54.382)
Okay, let's get into Sam's car. That's Samantha, the other daughter. I said, okay, and Samantha has a son named Logan and he has a car seat in the car in the back seat. Okay, no problem. So Samantha's driving. I'm in the front seat and the mom Mandy is in the back seat. And of course there's no child with us, but there's a car seat. Little did I know we're going to pick up the grandfather Lori. Okay, so now Lori. I got him with his laughter on.

Go for it. Wait, it gets better. We go to pick up Lori and Lori sits in the front seat and I look in the back and I'm, you know, I'm a chunky lady. Okay. I got big boobs, big ass. I am certainly not a little teeny woman. And Mandy is literally a hundred pounds soaking wet. I mean, I don't even know where her organs are. Okay. I don't know. I look at her, I go, all right, you're functioning. So Lori's in the front. I have to get in the back. Mandy sits in the middle. The car seat is taking up.

I'd say about 60 % of the backseat and they want me to drive two hours north, smashed towards the window and Mandy, you could tell she feels bad. So she's like, Nikki, hold on. Let me just move right over. I'll just hold on. I'll cross my legs and, do you have enough room? I'm basically hunched over and I'm like, all right, I can do this. I'm not going to complain. I'm all right. I'm all right. But the way back, here we go. Nighttime falls.

Laurie's driving. God. He's a senior. OK. And, you know, they're like an old school kind of age where they drove fast and then slowed down and then fast and then slow down. Well, because back in his time, they had a smoke in their hands like hippie time. Right. But he had a little bit of a puff and got in the saddle of the seat. And I'm in the back, smashed up against the window. And all I can see is my life flashing before me.

And I now have my head in my hands. My head is spinning and I'm a mess. And I get back to the house and I tell Brittany the whole thing. I can't even see straight. She couldn't even walk. She was literally like shaking. Two hours south like this. And she's like, you understand, I almost died. And I go, what? What happened? You saw Teresa at the medium. Did she tell you you're going to die? I'm like, no, forget about Teresa. The fact is, is that somebody here in the family, the Cristandos family,

Brittany Krystantos (28:16.27)
Thought it would be a good idea to get into a car with a car seat in the car for two hours of driving north. But really, we could have taken my car. That would have been fine. I get it. You could have drove. I would have driven. I really didn't know what the plan was. Next time I know what the Christentos is all about. I know what they're doing now. They think, okay, you're skinny, Nikki. Let's go. I am not skinny. Okay. I am. I got double D boobs. Okay. I got a big size 14 ass.

OK, nothing's fitting in the back seat. Nothing at all. No. No. my God. And even the same thing happened at the seats, you said. that was a whole other thing. We go in. We finally sit down for Teresa Caputo and the seat is literally the size of one of my thighs. One I had to balance my body like a like a like a leg of ham on this seat. I could barely, barely move.

And I got through the show though. She was amazing. She was absolutely amazing. I'm glad you enjoyed that. Next time I'm coming. But again, everyone, this is why I love Nikki Steele. She is hilarious. And so we're talking, let's just take it back a little bit, summary of what we were talking about today. We can definitely fall off track. Yeah, we fall off track, but we're talking about vaginas and, you know, particularly what is our vagina saying to us right now. And, you know, we have to be aware of

what we're feeling, what's going on. And I think there's no shame in talking about it. And I know in the beginning I said I'm slightly embarrassed to say the word vagina, which everyone, I'm actually good now. Vagina, vagina, I did it. Vagina, vagina, vagina. I can pass this game, vagina game now. And so on the last word here and there, I think that you would love to talk about that to remind people that there's no shame.

in the vagina. I love that you're saying that because I really do believe that. I mean, listen, with everything else that's going on in the world, we can talk about anything. We should be able to talk about this. And not only that, we should be able to tell our youth that they have every right to talk about what they need to about themselves. We're definitely onto something. You know, we can write a book right now. It would be called How to Care for Your Vagina Like It's Your Pet. I love that. That's great. I love that. I want to make it my pet. I want a pet name.

Brittany Krystantos (30:39.886)
What would you name your vagina? Don't steal my vagina name. I call it this. Want to hear it? It's called Gina. Gina the vagina? Yeah. I said the other day to the doctor, I said, Gina's not doing well right now. And he goes, who's Gina? I go, you don't know. It's my vagina. And he's like the funniest guy ever. And I was like, yeah, my vagina is named Gina and she's not doing well. She's discomfort. She's not feeling nice. She needs some happiness.

She needs, she doesn't want to be on antibiotics anymore, but Gina has to do what she has to do right now to heal this infection. And he was laughing. He's like, I've never heard someone called their vagina something. Gina. Gina's going to bust a move. That's what Gina's going to do. Yeah. And he goes, how's Gina doing? That's a riot. I love that. What's your name? Well, I mean, there's only one name for my vagina. What is it? Rocky.

Rocky is fierce. Rocky is a fighter. Rocky can get through anything and Rocky has got a defense mechanism that is like a rock. Wow. So from now on, your name is Rocky and you are Gina the Gina. And you know, my Gina is very soft spoken. She's sweet. She's nice, but you don't want to mess with her. She, what is she? Why?

What is she? What's she? What's she? She's strong. What's she holding? What's she packing? It's a secret. I can't share anything that she is holding. Rocky can share it because Rocky's strong. Rocky's a little bit of a, you know, sassy pants fighter fighter fighter. You're right. So funny. So listen, ladies, listen to your bodies. I think it's important that we talk about our health and we seek help when when it's important and

There's no shame in going to the doctor and telling your doctor if your vagina is hurting today. And I think that, you know, before we end this, Nikki, do you have any last words to inspire some of our viewers here if they are experiencing, you know, pain and vagina pain and just women health is important and we don't talk about it enough? I think truly like you just have to realize that, first of all, doctors are humans, they're human beings and, you know, they go through things just like we do as patients.

Brittany Krystantos (32:54.958)
They have their own children, their own families, their parents. Everybody goes through different things with their vaginas, different times of life. Seniors go through dryness and they need vaginal substitutes to help them through. There's all different kinds of things that you need for your vagina. So, I mean, we should be talking about it because we don't want to be uncomfortable and you don't want to have to suffer unnecessarily. I think it's a really good topic that we talked about today and got through.

for everyone. I agree. And I think that more than just the vagina, I think that females have to stick together. And I feel like in our society, so many females are competing against each other. And this can go on to another another episode. But just before we go, I just think that, you know, females talk about it. Like even I said, like at the dinner table with your mom and sister, like, hey, my vagina is hurting me today. my God, mine is too. Like, I think those are the normalized conversations we need to have. Because, like I said before, I didn't know that

So many people have this. I never had, you know, like at UTI, I was actually at yoga class, doing my yoga, and then I was like, my God, I can't hold my bladder in that normal. And then I got in trouble by the yoga teacher, because I don't know if you go into yoga class, but you can't leave to go to the washroom. Yeah, you gotta be like, I have a strong bladder for that. Like kindergarten. Yeah, it's a kindergarten. They don't let you go. They're like, no, stay, namaste. So I had to stay there, and I was like, my God, something's wrong. And then that's when I kind of persisted.

Persisted and like manifested into something else and something else and so like I wasn't aware that like peeing every four seconds is not normal I just thought like I was really busy at work And like meetings back -to -back like I didn't like just think about it You weren't paying attention to the situation because it's not something you've ever encountered No, and like maybe you have in your time obviously because you know You said you you've had it and go through different things so like I said to you Hey, like I'm paying a lot one second. I think we were in a conversation

The first time we met and like I was like, wait, I have to go to the washroom and I was like, okay I have to go to the washroom again. I was like my vagina is itchy and you're like girl something's wrong with you. Yeah, so like thanks to Nikki Steele She's the reason why I am NOT in the hospital right now and I'm healing because that vagina is healing and I'm happy for it But that Gina is proud of it. She's thankful for you. You took care of Gina. You took care of Gina. You really did

Brittany Krystantos (35:16.11)
And you look better. Like you didn't look well. You weren't feeling well. Thanks, Nikki. You look great. You just you know, you can tell you're so much better and well taken care of now by the doctors and everything. So I'm glad that everything worked out for you because it really was just, you know, pulling you down. Wasn't good. I have to admit, when you have a hundred and two fever for four weeks, you don't look well. No, I looked like my worst. Yeah, really. It was it was it was a hard time. I saw my face was rushy. I was like, how am I ever going to look OK again?

This is really taking my confidence down. You're like, girl, you're going to heal. You're going to heal. You're 26. Don't worry. Just give it a time. Give it a chance. Follow the doctor's orders. Follow what they say. Maybe try a baking soda bath. That was just to help with the pain. I still haven't done it because the idea of being in a bath of baking soda kind of scared me. It's weird, huh? It's weird, but it works. It works. And it's a neutralizer, so you got to give it a shot. You are so funny. So, Nikki, on that note, do you have anything else to add?

What a pleasure it's been today, Britt. I gotta tell you, I am just beyond thrilled. This has been a fabulous conversation and I look forward to many different conversations with you because you always have great things to say. Thank you, Nikki. I mean, this has been so much fun. I feel like we can just go on and on forever. On that note, we'll wrap up today's episode. Thank you so much for joining us. Stay tuned for more honest, open, and hopefully entertaining discussions. See you next time.

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Brittany Krystantos (37:40.014)
That's it for today's episode of Dear Brittany. I'm looking forward to my chai tea latte and cuddles with my dog Charlie. I will be whipping up some new fantastic episodes where we can really dig into it together. Lots of love and until next time, sincerely, Britt.


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